Why Hiring Professional Exhibition Staff is Essential for Your London Exhibition Stand Exhibitions are a…
Exhibition Design Tips for 2020
Exhibition Design Tips for 2020
As one year draws to a close, your marketing focus will be turning to the trade show schedule for 2020. But just how do you get the most from every show and promotional event?
Know why you are there
If you are exhibiting at a trade show at one of London’s premier venues because ‘you always have done’ it’s time to reconsider if this is the right attitude and the right show. Objectives for your presence at the show is essential because it is against these you will measure success (or not).
Make the most of the space
You can have only a few metres of floor space to showcase your brand at your chosen trade show in 2020. Planning and designing this space so that you optimise every square metre is essential.
Go tall too
Event venues are spacious, especially in terms of height which is why you should check if you can opt for a taller booth to really showcase your brand to potential customers.
More images, fewer words
As people look at your stand, you have seconds to create an impression. You need to give as many clues as possible as to who you are, what you do and so on. Whilst text delivers important messages, images present just as strong a message. Consider how much text your booth design really needs.
Refine your message
Sitting side by side with your trade show objectives is your message. What is it that you want people to take away from talking with your promotional team at the trade show? The more refined and on-point your message is, the more success you will enjoy.
Realise you can’t do it all yourself (and neither can your team)
The temptation is to save money by staffing the stand with your own team but unless they have the skills and attributes to do this, you may find this approach doesn’t give the results that you need it to. Compare this to when you hire professional promotional staff for trade shows and you’ll see the difference.
Invest in lighting
It’s an easy mistake to make because we assume the bright lights of a venue will be enough to light stands but the shadows cast by the structure mean that unless you invest in booth lighting, your booth will be in darkness. Adding just a few lights will make a difference but if there is one thing worth investing in, it is a lighting set for trade shows in the coming year.
Catch up with the modern tech age
If you haven’t already, it is time to introduce tech to your stand to show potential customers just how forward-thinking your brand is. Again, promotional staff can use this technology to gather leads but can also demonstrate them to your customers too.
These are just eight ideas as to how to improve your trade show appearances in the coming year. What other changes will you be making?
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